contractor health, environment and safety management

The Contractor Health, Environment and Safety Management (CHESM) Process support the contractor OE management expectation within the common expectation section of the OEMS. CHESM is used to meet the HES element of the Supplier Qualification process for those contractors that are within its scope.
The purpose of the CHESM process is to establish clear accountabilities, ensure the active engagement of contractors and provide a consistent program to help eliminate HES incidents and injuries involving contractors.
The CHESM process is designed to assess and manage OE risks from:
- Contracted activities executed on Chevron premises or within reporting boundaries.
- Contracted activities that deliver facility design and fabrication services to our businesses.
why CHESM is important
Worldwide, contractors comprise approximately 75% of Chevron’s total workforce hours. In many operations, contractors fulfill key leadership roles and provide work supervision at Chevron job sites.
Operational Excellence Handbook
The intent of this handbook is to provide guidance to our contractors and employees regarding Chevron Thailand expectations of its employee and contractor workforce.
Fatality Prevention - Start Work Checks
Chevron Thailand has implemented the Start Work Checks across Chevron and contractor operated facilities within Chevron OE reporting boundary since November 2017. The Start Work Checks, the new and easy-to-use checklists, complement existing Managing Safe Work (MSW) standards and are intended to assure critical safeguards are in place and verified prior to conducting 9 targeted high-risk work activities.Short Service Employee (SSE) Program
The objective of this program is to ensure that contractors short service employees are identified, appropriately supervised, trained, mentored, and managed to prevent accidents such as personal injury, injury to others, environmental damage, or property damage. Contractor shall have a program in place to manage their SSEs in accordance with Chevron Expectations.Fitness for Duty (FFD)
Intent of Chevron FFD program is that Contractors demonstrate their personnel are fit to perform the duties to which they are assigned.
Case Management
Case management procedure for work-related injuries or illness affecting all employees and contractor personnel working under Chevron Thailand OE reporting boundary at all onshore and offshore locations including the Bangkok office.