press release Chevron and SEAMEO STEM-ED announce successful results of Chevron Enjoy Science at STEM Synergy for Transforming Future of Education event

Dr. Siripong Angkasakulkiat, Assistant to the Minister from the Ministry of Education, presided over the STEM Synergy for Transforming the Future of Education event organized by SEAMEO STEM-ED in partnership with Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd. At the event, the results of the 8-year Chevron Enjoy Science project were shared with government agencies, educators, and the private sector to offer an understanding of the project’s operations and methods. This will enable organizations to adapt and carry on the principles of the project sustainably to strengthen STEM education in Thailand. Pativate Boonyapaluk, Vice President of Chevron Thailand; Datuk Dr. Habibah Abdul Rahim, Director of Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Secretariat; Dr. Kritsachai Somsaman, Director of SEAMEO STEM-ED; Asst. Prof. Dr. Amonwan Weerathammo, Secretary-General of the Teachers Council; Asst. Prof. Dr. Prakittiya Tuksino, Deputy Dean of Strategic Planning and Organizational Development, Faculty of Education, Khonkaen University; and Dee Bourbon, Senior Social Investment Advisor of Chevron Corporation, participated in the event. The partners of the Chevron Enjoy Science project who joined the event at Centara Grand Central Ladproa included the National Science Museum (NSM), the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), and many more.
The Chevron Enjoy Science project began its first phase in 2015, followed by the second phase in 2020, which was a partnership between SEAMEO STEM-ED and Chevron Thailand. The project aims to increase the country’s competitiveness by promoting STEM education. Over the course of eight years, 724 schools have participated in the project, more than 5,000 teachers have been trained, and over 3 million people have benefited from the project. Additionally, 152 organizations have contributed to the project’s goal of developing human energy to drive the country’s progress in the future.