news chevron wins “gold level” CSR excellence award from the american chamber of commerce

american chamber of commerce csr award

Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd. was recently awarded the “Gold Level” Corporate Social Responsibility Excellence Award from the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) during the 2017 CSR Excellence award ceremony. Glyn Townsend Davies, the United States ambassador to Thailand and Jeffrey Nygaard, AMCHAM Board President, presented the award to Chevron Thailand, represented by Brad Middleton, Chevron Asia South Ltd. managing director.

Chevron earned the CSR Excellence Award for the 8th consecutive year, and received the “Gold Level Award” distinction for the fourth year, from its long-standing 4E’s corporate responsibility framework which consists of Education, Environment and energy conservation, Economic development, and Employee engagement.

The CSR Excellence Recognition award ceremony is organized every year by the AMCHAM to honor members who lead by example in corporate social responsibility practices. This year, Chevron is one of 60 companies selected as recipients of the award.