press release Chevron Opens New Shore Base and Warehouse in Songkhla Province

skl warehouse opening

Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd. has officially opened a new shore base and warehouse in Songkhla, with Veerasak Pungrassamee, the director general of the Department of Mineral Fuels, and Pairoj Kaweeyanun, president of Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd. chairing the opening ceremony. The new Chevron warehouse in Songkhla was built as a single large warehouse to replace the multiple smaller warehouses operating throughout the province. This will help the company allocate and manage goods in the warehouse with greater efficiency, increasing storage space for certain goods to comply with their storage requirements. It will also reduce the expense of goods management by saving time through the collection of goods in a single space, thereby increasing efficiency of operations and affecting excellence in all aspects of Chevron’s operations.


“Successfully combining warehouses will enable Chevron to increase the efficiency of warehouse space management, thereby reducing capital in business administration in the long-term,” said Veerasak Pungrassamee, the director general of the Department of Mineral Fuels. “Chevron will be able to use the budget savings to develop petroleum exploration and production in various areas, such as investing in technology for exploring natural resources deposits and developing production line processes, as well as investing in personnel development. This will have the effect of supporting the overall energy security of Thailand and helping to save fuel and reduce the environmental impact. It will also help strengthen the Songkhla Province economy and society, giving the local population a greater understanding of the effect of the petroleum industry on the national economy and society.”


“Work safety and Operational Excellence have been a guiding principle for Chevron in its 55 years of business in Thailand,” said Pairoj Kaweeyanun, president of Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd. “During the ten months spent constructing this warehouse, there have been no accidents or injuries among employees and workers, highlighting the efficiency and reliability of our operations and Chevron’s strong work safety culture. This warehouse also provides financial benefit by creating work and income directly and indirectly through related local businesses, as well as holding various social and community activities an ongoing basis in close cooperation with communities to ensure such projects are of the greatest benefit to them.”


Chevron has operated at the Songkhla shore base since 1981, helping to drive economic and social development in Songkhla Province for this entire period in order to develop quality of life and empower people in the local communities. Chevron remains focused on building long-term national energy security. 

skl warehouse opening
skl warehouse opening